Monday, September 30, 2013


My friends,
We must return to our roots, back to Marx, we must utilize our theories, not the theories shaped to Russia or China, but the theories of Marx and Engels applied to our conditions. Now am I saying to throw Lenin, Stalin, Che,Juche, and or even Trotsky out to the gutters as if they were trash? God forbid! These men are worthy of study, and if what they wrote is applicable use it, but don't force a tendency on a nation that it was not suppose to be applied to.  The modern USA  has new technologies that Marx has never dreamt of,and I am sure that in the revolutionary period they will utilize this technology, maybe even better versions of what we have. But what technology am speaking of? I am talking about the radio or the car?
   I am talking items like the 3d printer, the Internet, the T.V., the improvements in our assembly line, and the electronic voting booth. Each of these things made our lives easier and is benefiting us in our move into Communism. The 3D Printer will make paying for material items a sham, the Internet plays a double role, it allowed for pirating, an action that ignores the copyright laws and private property, and shows us how ridiculous that those laws are. It also breaks down boarders and throws a monkey wrench into nationalism and fascism. There are two large ways to reach information to the masses, the Internet and the T.V., but the T.V. is the most often used item in the household, it is often said that the average US American spends 34 hours watching their television. This trend most likely will not go down anytime soon, and will persist even after the revolution. We must then use it to educate the masses, 70% of US adults are not scientifically literate, if we were to change what is on the T.V. to things that could teach them the sciences, things that will stab superstition in the heart, we would have larger numbers of people who understands science, and won't be hostile to its progress, and it will step us closer to a world of reason.
  Now a lot of my hopes hangs in the advent of the 3D printer, why you may ask. Well properly used in the hands of the proletariat it would be like tying a noose around neck of the bourgeoisie, it will be a matter of time after this the Internet will have free templates that will end up killing big businesses and show us how weak they really are compared to what the proletariat can do with their technology.
    The electronic voting machine has made it possible for citizens to vote on every law that will effect their lives at a touch of a button, and tho possibility of hacking, with improvements in the technology, is low. The Internet has made it possible for every person to meet in one place and to talk out their problems and to rationally and critically discuss issues. An example of this accruing is Facebook, Twitter, and Tumbler. Bunches of people gather together onto these social networks and discuss common interests. I believe that being able to do this is an important step to a pure democracy and thus an important step to Communism. This is important because this proves that people of different ethic groups, be they black, white, or Asian, or people of different faiths have  the potential to look pass these differences and reach to logical conclusions to situations. Thus dissolving ethnic and religious differences between peoples.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Left Unite!

      My fellow Socialists, when I look at you I see a divided lot, I see Orthodox Marxists, Anarchists, Trotskyites, Marxist-Leninists, Left-Communists, and so forth. In the words of a Bourgeois politician "a house divided can not stand," so I believe we need to set aside our differences and unite against our common enemy. We must set aside these differences on the altar of our revolution and work together to unite the working class under the Red banner and save them from the sacrificial altar of Capitalism. For without the unity among the Radical Socialist Left we will not accomplish anything more then speech.
   My fellow Marxists, on the topic above Marx and Engles stated in the Manifesto of the Communist Party henceforth on the issue of other parties, "In short, the Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things." Thus we can not align ourselves with the rightwing parties like the CPUSA did but we must align ourselves with our fellow Socialist who share the same interests as we do, we must not make the mistakes that Lenin did though and betray them as they are our allies. My position on this matter is this and solely this, the writings of Marx, Lenin, Bakunin and Engles becomes more  relevant during the growth of Capitalism, but we can no longer base everything on 18th-19th century writings, we must modernize our approach and burry past feuds with our brothers in red or black. With technology advancing the way it has it is making our goals more possible and pushing us on the brink of social revolution but it is useless if we as socialists can not ban together and help unite the workers. In the words of Chaplin in his movie  The Great Dictator, " The airplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men - cries out for universal brotherhood - for the unity of us all." But now we have more than just the radio and the airplane, we have the Internet and the 3d printing technology, each of these things are making boarders and money ridiculous, each of these things are crying for fraternity in humanity and universal goodness.
  My fellow working men and my fellow socialists, we must unite, we have nothing to loose but the chains that our capitalist masters has put on us. We must unite in the names of Liberty, Brotherhood and Equality. We must unite in the name of pure democracy. We must unite in the name of freedom. We must unite, we must unite. We must unite in the name of humanity.
   Many of us Socialists are atheists,but many of the American working class are either Agnostic-theists or Christians, looking in their book we can see their mentality, we can see why Marx said, "Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions." Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right.  Or when Bakunin in his  Revolutionary Catechism wrote, "Replacing the cult of God by respect and love of humanity, we proclaim human reason as the only criterion of truth; human conscience as the basis of justice; individual and collective freedom as the only source of order in society." Or denounced god in his God and State. But we must let the god cult die out on its own when the the social conditions that allowed it to flourish has been removed, we can't take the actions that Lenin, Stalin or Hoxha took in the CCCP when they executed the religious, with education we see the death throws of religion, with better conditions for the working class we see the sighs become even less frequent.
  We must unite my friends and comrades, then at the table of the revolution we will discuss our differences and lead the people to a new era, an era of democracy and equality, were they will fly the banner of brotherhood, equality, liberty and declare, "To each according to their need, from each according to their ability"
Workers Unite!

Ever since Marx and Proudhon that has became the socialist slogan, because ever since them all of our hopes are put into the working class to change humanity into a revolutionary state, in this one group of oppressed people all the hopes of humanity lay await to save humanity from capitalistic oppression, these people have no country, they have no flag, no currency, no culture of their own, but they do have solidarity and a tendency to unionize and change the face of a capitalist country. In the working class is solidarity, in the working class is humanity, in the working class is nothing less then hope.

Workers Unite!

       We as a people have entered into a society that is immoral, we exploit the worker and praise the wealthy, we laugh at the beggar and bend over backwards for the wealthy just to make them wealthier, we want freedom but when the State oppresses another nation we turn a blind eye to it. We blame the innocent instead of the guilty and we allow superstition to be the law of the land instead of morality and logic. Why do we do this, this we must ask ourselves. The answer is simple, from all of this amoral tenets our capitalist masters benefit from it, they benefit from us preferring the wealthy over the poor, from use turning a blind eye to the guilty, from us living in ignorance and allowing superstitions to rule our lives, they benefit from us looking away from the oppressed and the down trodden.
   These trends, the trends of capitalism, must be torn down, they must be dismantled like the wall of Jericho. We must rally like the Israelites and attack the wealthy oppressing class and gain our freedom. These men and women fear our unity and fear what we can do, they fear the future and fear the liberty that we will gain from their down fall. Why you may ask do they fear this, they fear it because they will lose all power over their nation. The nation built off of the backs of the common man, built off of the proletariat, the working class, off of our backs.
  My brothers and sisters, we must unite against these men and women and gain a power in common, a power to free ourselves from our oppressors, the men who cause our family pain and suffering, the bourgeoisie. These men control the whole of the nation's power and wealth, these men in their greed causes the working class to drive walls between themselves be they the walls of sexism, racism, ableism or any form of  prejudice, we must tear down those walls and unite, we must unite and form a better world, a world free from boarders and wage slavery, a world free from the class system and free from prejudice. We must unite in the name of democracy and in the name of freedom for all mankind.
    We live in a racist and sexist society full of hate and violence, people in this culture will sell their souls just to get by, nigh they are forced to sell them because of the brutality of this system, because if they don't the system will bare its fangs and suck the very life out of the worker, nigh even if the worker does sell their soul the system will still suck the life out of them. This forces the worker to fight his brothers and sisters, forcing him to be like a lamb led to the sacred altar of capitalism to be sacrificed to their god, Capital. The priest-kings of this system, the bourgeoisie, will keep this theft, the theft of our labour, going until we turn and attack like wolves, the wolves that we really are, instead of obeying like their sacred sheep.  

Early Years of Leolion Nekogami

"Where am I?" My eyes open slowly, and there is shackles on my hands and feet, my tail swayed fast and there is a sound of horses snorting in the background. I look up and see a dog demon that is about 7 feet tall, has 9 tails, all white with long fur and fox like ears and is wearing black armor with a fox head in the center of the armor. He must be from the Kitsune clan, I think to myself. I sit up and look at the carriage which has ten other demons in it a banshee, a vampire, a kappa, a lilitu, a yuki-onna, a fire snake, a werewolf, a guard of hell, a nephlim, and a living flame. I look over at the nearest demon who is the Yuki -Onna a spirit of the snow she like the others and probably me was wearing nothing and bruised she seems to be around my age which is nine. "Ms. Onna, were are we?" she looked bewildered at me and reply’s "The slave trade," from here was when my life went down hill.
They gave me something red to drink, when I drunk it,it burned my throat and drained me of my powers and made me mentally weak. They fed us once a day and it was there table scraps, if we worked too slow, they wipped us with spines of dead demons or burn us with prods like we were cattle. Finally when I was there for four years, I stood up and led a rebellion against the Kitsune Clan and killed them all, then ran to my father Emma-O, the king of Hell and Demon's Castle to reclaim my position on my father's court. I learned that he killed my mother, a Neko, then sold me to the Kitsune. Then I fled to the Neko colony in the east of Hell. There I joined there army, eventually I fell in love with a neko called Saya.

There are 76 Neko tribes in the East of Hell as well as 54 Elf colonies. In those days the Neko Tribes appointed a king amongst them, his title...Nekogami or Cat God. The Nekogami was given the powers of all the Neko's in the world and was given a pure black ring to act as a seal for their powers. A Neko by the name of Asgard was given the title and was called Asgard Nekogami. He was 34 feet tall and when the seal was removed, he turned pure white, and grew 7 tails, his claws became black. All among the army feared the Nekogami.

I was called to war against the Elf colony in the west of the Neko Kingdom. They are a craftsmen and farmers, in the center is a temple were they make animal sacrifices and offerings to their gods. They are skilled users of magic and there main sword maker makes only ritual swords and daggers. We were called to slaughter them because they sold supplies to the Dog Clans. I got married to Saya a week before the war and she was enlisted to the front lines by general Issacar. I learned how to control all five of the elements during this war and learned how to transmute objects by will.
Saya and I was in the temple when we met the Elf sword maker and he used an enchanted blade he calls the “Shadow Blade.” It's sheath is the air, it absorbs and drinks the blood of the victim. A single swing can wipe out a city of demons. I fought him using what I call Alka it is the ability to transmute objects by will, but it requires a price of equal value. I was able to wound him, but he used the cursed sword of his to kill my wife. The room we were standing in had swords and daggers, each were crying out for blood. The altar was big and black, it had trees every where around it, when I met the elf he was wearing a long green cloak with the hood up. I tried to pull a sword but it burned my hand, then I tried the daggers but they bit me.

He and I fought hand to hand till I decided to use Alka. When he saw me use it he laughed, he then pulled out of the air a pure black sword. "Neko you have learned the art of Hell!" he said. I then looked at him oddly, then I clapped my hands and created a sword from the ground and fought him. My wife hid behind the altar tried to stab him from behind but the swords moved and stabbed her on the altar like a sacrifice. I cut off his hands and took his Shadow Blade. He disappeared and I never saw him again. The sword then sung to me a song that was so beautiful, it made me forgot that my wife was killed.
I slaughtered the town like I was commanded. I am now blood stained with innocent blood. The death toll was from the Elves 2 million and from the Neko 6. That town was then burned to the ground and in it's place the capital was moved to it. The castle which also is the neko temple. The king became the face and voice of the neko gods. After Asgard died his son took over. His form resembled that of his father's but was gray. Asgard's son, Beniel, ruled for 1 million years and died. He had no sons. But by that time I have fought 40 wars and had the highest kill rate using the Shadow Blade. I also had power that rivaled the Nekogami and started to be called the Neko Prophet. I was then ringed the Nekogami and carried the name.

I then put a prophet in my place and went to the human world. It at this time is only 5 years of age. I watched a couple be thrown out of a garden. I walked to the couple and their children. I talked for a while and learned that the man's name is Adam. I spent a year with Adam teaching him to farm and to write. I then decided to teach Adam Alka and I wrote it the secrets of Alka in a sacred book I call Liber Magus. I then left him to wonder about the earth and marvel at this newly created world.  I wondered three houndred years I have recorded everything about this world I recorded every plant and their uses as well as every animal, bug and planet that can be seen from this planet. I reached a newly founded city whose founder was Romulus. Romulus wore a crown of Olive leaves and wore a tunic with a red cape as a sign of being this city's king. He was a strong man till he decided to fight a dragon that ate him whole he was then followed by seiries of Eutruscan kings. I spent the reign of King Tarquinius Superbus in the temple he built to Jupiter there I listen to the Syble who was able to spot me as a very powerful demon she said to the crowed " by the high powers of Hades the king shall be uplifted by low throne". I then took the form of an eagle then left and everyone but the syble believed me to be Jupiter. 
I then took the form of a mere Eutruscan and watched the king in his rule of the Latins. He was cruel and loved war. I heard from his servents that he obtained his throne by the murder of the last king.  I watched for 10 years of his rule when I watched the Latins drive him from his throne when he was in the Greek country I slaughtered him.