Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What is Libertarian Marxism

Libertarian Marxism is a broad category of Marxism that includes:
 - Council Communism
 - Situationism 
 - Autonomost Marxism
 - Communization 
 - Left Communism
 - Freudo Marxism
 - De Leonism
 - Open Marxism
 - Luxembergism 
- Democratic Marxism

The definition from Wikipedia gives a pretty good view of it: 

"Libertarian Marxism refers to a broad scope of economic and political philosophies that emphasize the anti-authoritarian aspects of Marxism. Early currents of libertarian Marxism, known as left communism,emerged in opposition to Marxism–Leninism and its derivatives, such as Stalinism, Maoism, and Trotskyism. Libertarian Marxism is also critical of reformist positions, such as those held by social democrats. Libertarian Marxist currents often draw from Marx and Engels' later works, specifically the Grundrisse and The Civil War in France; emphasizing the Marxist belief in the ability of the working class to forge its own destiny without the need for a revolutionary party or state to mediate or aid its liberation. Along with anarchism, Libertarian Marxism is one of the main currents of libertarian socialism." 

Our philosophy is relatively close to Anarchism and really it isn't to far off to call some of us Anarchists. It is also good to mention that over all we do associate with Anarchists more than we do with Marxist-Leninists since our political theories are similar. 

This specific writer, like the Anarchists, emphasize the need for a federation of worker councils. I also emphasize the need for workers to unite under a democratic and socialist banner. I personally believe the best way to do this is through Syndicalism, Social insertion,the use of propaganda, pushing for solidarity between workers, and the use of a popular front between Libertarian Socialists. 

Libertarian Marxism contributes to the Libertarian movement a wide corpus of theory and tactics that is complimented by the Anarchist theory. Marx stated that the Proletariat must take hold of the means of production, but he never said how. Later on in the Councilist period the Marxists stated that we must form worker councils and create a federation of councils. This answer to the problem is in the style of the Anarchist Bakunin who stated that there must be a federation of communes. It must be stated that the only thing that sets an Anarchist from a Libertarian Marxist is that we use a different corpus of theory than Anarchists. Our corpus includes Dialectic Materialism as a means of understanding history and the nature of Capitalism. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Notes on Buddhist Socialism

The Eightfold path of Dhammic Socialism

1. Right Livelihood: Abstaining from profiting through dishonesty, corruption, harm or bloodshed.

For a free society to keep itself libertarian, egalitarian, nonviolent, and honest, it would involve maintaining high levels of transparency and accountability. Naturally, this would include seeking sources of revenue which do not include corruption, exploitation, or harm such as usury, monopolization, third world exploitation, arms dealership/war profiteering, etc.; and holding accountable those that do. Social cohesion is facilitated by the voluntarily democratic association and consensus of its individuals.

2. Education and Prosperity: Democratic access to food and drink, shelter, clothing, medicine and all information media.

As Dhammic Mutualists, we contend that every living being has a natural right to the satisfaction of needs according to ability. Necessities should be openly accessible by all people, and to keep these necessities self-sustaining, recipients are encouraged to give something in return according to their ability, such as labor, trade, support, or some equivalents thereof, etc. regardless of their gender, class, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

3. Equanimity: Encouraging tolerance, forbearance, and loving-kindness towards all beings - human and animal.

This is the compassionate awareness that recognizes and respects the rights of all beings, however different those rights may be. Facilitating the universal rights of all involves the amelioration or abolition of class distinctions and social inequalities and injustices based on race, gender, religion, sexual preference, species, etc. Thus this awareness strikes at the root of any kind of divisive hatred or injustice. We are all in this together.

4. Egalitarianism: Facilitating the empowerment of each individual and allowing them to possess a means of production either individually or collectively.

This is achievable through the development of dual powers or alternative social institutions within existing society until such institutions eventually replace prior ones. Eventually, a to a vast network of federations or markets of free local, yet interdependent, markets will develop. This gradualism of interdependent networks is essential in ending the natural exploitation of multinational corporations and military-industrial complexes. This involves building and supporting decentralized, grassroots, community-based economies. Essentially, it is the co-existing of many different markets and federations within a interdependent, decentralized network. In a sense, this is the organization and development of a new society within old network, or framework, of the previous one.

Within a mututalist (or truly libertarian, noncapitalistic) market, each person might possess a means of production either individually or collectively. People may be self-employed (such as artisans, farmers, independent contractors, etc.), or part of specific producers or consumers cooperatives, a large workers' democratically controlled syndicate or enterprise, etc. Also, mutual banks and credit unions would be democratically controlled which would lend to producers at a minimal interest rate, and trade would represent equivalent amounts of labor (or equivalents thereof) in a truly free market.

Therefore, in the mutualist approach, no one would sell their labor to others but would instead work in democratic cooperatives, networks, syndicates, enterprises, etc; or even for themselves. Benjamin Tucker once stated that, if any kind of wage labor was to exist, the removal of statist privileges (such as banking market entry barriers, legal tender laws, and enforcement of land ownership not based on occupancy and use) would result in the workers' natural wage being their "full product". That is, no individual will profit from the labor of another because everyone is paid equally for equal hours worked and no one will have an ultimate authority over another.

5. Freedom: Assisting in the liberation of all beings from dukkha.

We all experience the stresses and sufferings (or “dukkha”) of life at times to various degrees. Dukkha is a Sanskrit term, variously translated as (dis)stress, anguish, unsatisfactoriness, suffering, tension, despair, etc. In Buddhism, it is one of the three marks or seals of existence (along with impermanence and non-self) and is the First Noble Truth.

We are ultimately social beings, and one’s own suffering can affect many others in varying degrees. Therefore it would benefit us all to work together to help one another in overcoming these, such as in improving our living situations to maintain a higher standard of living. This is supporting local markets, Such as buying locally and supporting local markets, thus growing the local economy. Multinational corporations and capitalist economics - in seeking to maximum profit, “outsource” wage labor to foreign, often times much poorer, source which is usually conveniently controlled by a strong dictatorial or military regime. Alternatively, or they pay to bring illegal aliens to the work-site so that they can pay them less for longer hours at the expense of local workers’ and their unions.

6. Integrity: Acceptance of the six-colored Buddhist flag and Dhammacakra as international Buddhist symbols.

The Dhammacakra is the Wheel of Natural Law, set in motion by the Buddha over 2,500 years ago. The Buddhist flag is a modern creation which was jointly designed by Mr. J.R. de Silva and Colonel Henry S. Olcott to mark the revival of Buddhism in Ceylon in 1880. It was accepted as the International Buddhist Flag by the 1952 World Buddhist Congress.

7. Felicity: Applying the use of Gross-National Happiness (GNH) alongside traditional economic indicators to measure the quality of life and non-economic well-being. This is an important step in maintaining a higher standard of living.

Everybody knows that Gross National Product (GNP) only measures the sum total of material production and exchange in any country. The term Gross National Happiness (GNH) was coined by Bhutan's King Jigme Singye Wangchuck (who has also played a major role in bringing democracy to Bhutan) in 1972. GNH is a quantitative measurement of the quality of life and of non-economic well-being and happiness. GNH value is proposed to be an index function of the total average per capita of the following measures:

1. Economic Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of economic metrics such as consumer debt, average income to consumer price index ratio and income distribution.

2. Environmental Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of environmental metrics such as pollution, noise and traffic.

3. Physical Wellness: Indicated via statistical measurement of physical health metrics such as severe illnesses, weight, etc.

4. Mental Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of mental health metrics such as usage of antidepressants and rise or decline of psychotherapy patients.

5. Workplace Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of labor metrics such as jobless claims, job change, workplace complaints and lawsuits.

6. Social Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of social metrics such as discrimination, safety, divorce rates, complaints of domestic conflicts and family lawsuits, public lawsuits, crime rates.

7. Political Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of political metrics such as the quality of local democracy, individual freedom, and foreign conflicts.

8. Peace: A commitment to avoid imposing our beliefs through coercion, manipulation or force and to utilize every opportunity for open dialogue and cooperation.


The key word accompanying every factor of the path is "right" or "correct" (samma). Correctness is not to be defined in dogmatic terms. Nothing is correct but by the grace of Dhamma, that is, when it is in harmony with natural law and appropriate to the causes, purpose, time, society, individuals involved, and oneself. Thus, the meaning of "right" or "correct" depends on the causes and conditions of each case. We must be mindful, sensitive, open-minded, flexible, creative, and insightful to keep track of and respond to the diverse changing circumstances.

The nobility of our path is also crucial. We, of course, do not mean "noble" (ariya) in the ordinary hierarchical or classist way. Literally, the Pali word means "to go (ya) away from one's enemies (ari)." Traditionally, "enemies" refers to the kilesa. Above, we have made it clear that kilesa social structures are the enemies of all beings. Further, the path is noble in that only noble, skillful means are used. For example, we avoid violence. Let us give careful thought to "noble means."

Right Religion
Right Education
Right Leadership
Right Organization & Government
Right Communication
Right Culture
Right Sexuality & Family
Right Economics
Right Ecology
Right Play
Right Monitoring
Right Sangha & Solidarity


Greed (lobha): Capitalism & Consumerism
Anger (kodha):Militarism & Injustice
Hatred (dosa): Racism, Classism, & Exclusivism
Lust (raga): Prostitution In Entertainment, Tourism, & Business
Delusion (moha): Education & The Media
Competition: Capitalism, Sports, & A Way Of Life
Fear (bhaya): Medicine & Religion
Sexism: All Kinds Of Kilesa. 

My Communist Bullets

What is Democratic-Communism
  Democratic-Communism, is a form of Communism that focuses on the creation of worker led Industrial Unions and Mass Strikes as a means of establishing worker control. We hold that a Socialist society must be led democratically by the workers themselves. We strive for the abolition of capitalism, wage labour, and the division of human beings into social classes, for the end of the dictatorship of the capitalist class, and to replace it with direct democracy.As well for a socialist-communist society, for the end of sexism and male domination, and finally against all forms of racism, nationalism and patriotism. We unlike Council-Communists don't encourage a passive approach, we recognize that in order for the revolution to occur we most educate, antagonize, and organize the proletariat against the capitalist class. We do incorporate some Anarchist principles as a means of creating the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. 

What is Communism?

Communism is a stateless, classless, and democratic society that we aspire to.  The means of production would be democratically owned and wealth will be distributed according to everyone's need by everyone's ability. 

What is Socialism?

It is the period that is between Capitalism and Communism. During this period the workers will form union councils and start making laws democratically. What will be laid down during this stage will prepare for the Communist stage. A Socialist society is marked by the democratic ownership of the means of production. Marx used the terms Socialism and Communism interchangeably. The two were not considered different stages till Lenin and only Leninists use them to refer to different stages. 

What is the dictatorship of the proletariat?

   The Dictatorship of the Proletariat is when the working class takes over the means of production and forms a federation of worker's councils or a worker's republic.  The Dictatorship of the Proletariat has been the subject of controversy because of Lenin's take on it was a Party Dictatorship over the Proletariat, this take was condemned by Rosa Luxemburg and Herman Gorter who advocated a worker's democracy. Democratic-Communists condemns the use of a vanguard party and the use of a state that forms Lenin's dictatorship over the workers. 

Who are the Proletariat?

The Proletariat are the oppressed workers of society. They are alienated by the wealthy class from the means of production. 

What is the Means of Production

The Means of Production are the instruments of labour such as the factory, machines, wood,  mines, etc. 

What is the role of the Party

The role of the party is made clear in the Communist Manifesto. It is to organize and antagonize the Proletariat to overthrow the existing order to bring about Communism. We reject the Party dictatorship of Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, or Mao and affirm the creation of Socialism through the working class themselves. 

How do we establish a socialist society?

We establish Socialism through a mass revolution of workers against the exploitive capitalist state and the capitalist class. 

What is our relation to other Communist movements.

We are a Libertarian-Marxist movement and we stand in opposition to the State-Capitalist tendencies of Leninism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, and Maoism and the Neo-Fascist Jucheism. We stand in solidarity with other Left-Communist movements and with Anarchy-Syndicalist and Anarchy-Communist movements. 

How do we learn more about Democratic-Communism?

We suggest reading the writings of the following you will come across contradictions between the writers but it is a great way of developing your theory. 

Rosa Luxembourg
Herman Gorter 
Georg Lukacs
CLR James 
Raya Dunayevskaya
Karl Korsch

Doesn't the Collapse of the USSR mean that Communism is a failure?

The USSR was a State-Capitalist economy it was not Socialist in anyway. A Socialist economy is marked by the workers owning the means of production. In the USSR the means of production was owned not by the workers but by the state which was ran by the party not the workers. We must also point out that the fall of the USSR was do to the global economic stagnation that all of the world capitalist economies were facing at that time. It must also be said that most Russians want a return to something similar to the USSR and sees Stalin as a hero. The life expectancy rose in the USSR and there was no jobless, hungry, or homeless in the USSR.  As well as the USSR achieved technological and economical advancements in its 70 years that took other nations 100 years. 

  Doesn't Communism go against human nature.

No. For most of human history we held property in common and lived in a classless and stateless federation of tribes/communes. There was no rich and there was no poor. This changed when the human race evolved into an industrial society which caused new divisions of labor and thus society. This caused a class division in society beginning with the feudal class society and then the capitalist class society.  

Is there any working model of a Communist society?

There are some national models currently in effect yes. The only models I know of are the  Zappatesta and Marinaleda villages. These though are not Marxist but are Anarchist, but they are liberating non the less.

What is the red flag?

The red flag is flown on remembrance of the workers and all of the worker revolutions. It was first flown in 1834 during the French Revolution by the Socialists. It was flown by the Paris Commune and has been flown as a sign of Socialism, Communism, and Anarchist-Communists.   It in short is the only flag that ties all workers under one banner. It was said by Blanqui, " It is said it is a flag of blood. It is only red with the blood of the martyrs who made it the standard of the republic.Its fall is an insult to the people, a profanation of the dead."

Socialist Bullets

Humans are social beings;they depend on the their social surroundings to determine what is moral or immoral. 
A socialist nation must aid a popular socialist uprising, as communism can not be achieved if a majority capitalist threat is on the borders. 
Economic stability must be achieved in order to provide health care, housing, jobs, clothing, and food to the proletariat. 
The proletariat must have increasing control of the means of production; by the time capitalism completely falls the proletariat must be masters of the means of production. 
Education is a basic need for the working class and must be freely provided.
Newspapers, blogs, and news channels (TV and Internet) are expressions of basic information sources and there should two forms; one that gives just the information, and several that gives it from different party views (ie. one that is Marxist, one that is Capitalist, etc.). 
The role of the vanguard is to rally the masses, and then to protect the revolution from counter revolutionaries. After the revolution the vanguard is to gradually dissolve over time and to reassure that the masses can govern themselves. This means they must be well educated and the capitalist culture has been dissolved. 
All work places must be under the control of the workers. This means the following;
Comrade Court to take care of work place problems.
Complete Union control with little state interference.
 The work places must have in house medical care incase of major accidents. 
All extra work must be voluntary and any harder extra work must be met with extra leave time to rest. The leave time must be paid and be of higher wage than if it was from normal work. 
Our economy is not money based, but till something replaces the market system of distribution of goods the use of markets is necessary. This place an obligation on scientists to work to improve technology like 3D printers. 3D printers allow for a new way to distribute goods and allows the consumer to participate in the making of said goods.  
 Temporary state seizer of all private property not including the means of production. This is necessary for the purpose of distribution on the market place over time the state must give the private property to the masses who will democratically distribute it. 
Socialist Libraries should be opened. These will have the works of Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Engels, Moses Hess, and other Socialist writers. This is to encourage research into different approaches to socialism. This library should also include historical sources of different socialist nations and our nation. It must include the failures in order for our next generation to learn and grow. Historic nations include the CCCP, China, DPRK, Zapatista, etc. 
I am dividing capitalism into three oppressed groups; the proletariat, the peasantry, and the intelligentsia. But only the proletariat is revolutionary as they are the vast majority and directly under the bourgeoisie. 
Man is interconnected with nature; he not above it in anyway and in all reality must coexist with it. If we can not learn to coexist with nature it will lead to our collective death. 
A goal of the vanguard is to turn our disunity into unity. Our individualist attitudes into collectivist. What I mean is that the vanguard must teach us that our actions effect everyone not just you. In essence it is to create workers solidarity. 
We must be a true collective, instead of working just for individual interests we must work for the interest of the entire collective. We must not do this though by limiting individual autonomy, but by creating social standards that encourages this
Study of economic theory, study of Marxist and other socialist works, fluent in Communist, Socialist, and Anarchist  theories, fluent in vanguardist theories, and is widely liked by the masses. The previous list should be what is required to be a socialist leader. This list is to prevent revisionism and reactionary counter-revolution. As well to be added to the list, must be a member of the working class.
Leader worship is counter revolutionary. Leader-worship is a practice that originated in ancient cultures and is an important part of Fascist and Nationalistic ideologies; thus it has no place in an internationalist ideology such as Communism or Socialism. 
We must be a double edged sword that cuts the head off of the four headed monster of Capitalism, Fascism, Imperialism, and Nationalism. We take a blow at them with Socialism and we take the decapitating blow with Communism. Out of the body we build a better society, we replace Capitalistic antagonism with solidarity, we replace the Fascist perpetual war with peace, we replace Imperialism with free trade, and finally we replace Nationalism with Internationalism. 
It is important to preserve democratic processes that we dismantle the Electoral Collage. The very existence of the Collage makes a farce out of democracy. 
It is important to make an Union Council with representatives from each labor union, the union council appoints the vanguard leader. I suggest this as a means of allowing a worker's  republic, the council members are elected first at the local and  then at the national. 
The Vanguard is multi-tendacy and must include:
Autonomist Marxists
      In order to establish Socialism it is necessary to establish an international Socialist current.
Humans have needs that surpass their material needs this being their social needs. Their social needs are four-fold religious, familial, peer, and education. The Socialist society must not touch the churches, must provide free education, and work to cut work hours only to socially necessary hours while maintaining an economic stable environment. 
 A  Socialist Democratic-Republic must be set up. Meaning that all power will be in the hands of the people. Laws, political matters, war, and treaties must be voted on by the people. But representatives must be elected for international matters. These representatives are given temporary power by the people and can be with drawn by the people.   

(Note: I don't hold to all of these views anymore)

My actual religion.


The gods can be divided into two categories: 
The heavenly gods are Sol and Luna, along with the planets.  The Earthly gods are nature spirits, Azrael and spirit guides. All gods came from the All Spirit. The All Spirit was born from the void and the combination of all of the spiritual elements. The All Spirit broke up his spirit into fragments and they formed the Great Gods. Each deity has a certain culture with different likes and functions within that culture. Sol the head god of the sun shares his function with Shemesh, Shapshu, Amateratsu and other sun gods, the same is with Luna she shares her role with other moon gods and goddesses. The storm is ruled over by Balu, but he shares this role with other gods from different cultures. 
Trees hold a spirit that can be evoked in worship and it can be honored in ritual. The same goes with rivers, oceans, and streams. The wind itself holds a spirit, everything around us is alive, they each hold a shard of the spirit of the All Spirit.The All Spirit is nature it self, he is a simple metaphor for the spirit that all things share. It is gender less and formless, the Taoists call it Tao the Hindus call it Brahman. I will simply call it the All. 
Each humans hold at least one type of spirit men holds a masculine spirit females feminine spirits. But some hold the form of a gender while have the opposite spirit, this results in homosexuals, cross dressers, and people associating with another gender. These people are holy and to be respected. In Native American traditions these people were seen as being able to channel multiple energies and able to communicate with male and female spirits from the other side. Though I believe in reincarnation I still see the "two-spirit people" as holy and to be treated with great respect. 
Each person has one or more patron deity, this god is someone he/she has a close connection with and who that is may change as the person's knowledge of the realms change. 

Eclectic Rules
When conducting rites with gods from multiple pantheons make sure their personalities don't clash
Don't offer any form food or any other item that may offend a god's culture. For an example Canaanite Illim does not like pork they see it as impure. The Aztec Teotl finds the offering of money offensive. 
Not all of the gods are the same they are autonomous beings that has developed their own likes and dislikes.
 Nine words the Eclectic Rede attest: Steal what works, fix what's broke, fake the rest.
Try to perform rites in nature when possible 
Meditate often
Respect every culture and their gods as long as they aren't harming anyone.
Respect nature. 
When obtaining an item from a tree or herb offer something of value. 

The concept of the soul I have adopted is similar to the concept found within the Gita. The soul is a spark of The All, or in Hindu Brahma. When we die the soul casts off our body like a cloak and reincarnates. We reincarnate in order to learn and to better the world around us. Our goal is to end the need to reincarnate and to leave a better future. 


Morality remains a relative concept. What is considered moral and correct now may be deemed immoral later in the future. The same is said with ideas and customs of the past. It was common for Aztecs and Mayans to perform human sacrifice to their gods but now to do so is deemed immoral. An Eclectic view of morality should be eclectic. Plato was a great philosopher, but he was Homophobic, I personally like Sidhartha's moral teachings. He pin point's the origins of human sufferings and gives a remedy for it. 


Sol: God of the Sun and disperser of ignorance.
Luna: Goddess of the moon and comforter. 
Ba‘lu Haddi:  the Thunderer, He ensures the life-giving rains, thus making the land fertile for agriculture. Ba‘lu Haddi lives atop his mountain, Tzapanu. His lightning is compared to cedars.
Azrael: God of death, he is pictured of having six wings and having eyes all over his body. His weapons are a sword,scythe, and a dagger. He also carries a vile to escort the souls to Summerland where the souls will review their previous life. If the soul was completely evil (For an example Hitler) he puts the soul through a realm of purifying fire before it reincarnates. 
Tara: Goddess of the Earth, Her form is green.
Pan: Horned god of the hunt and guardian of wildlife.
Tsuki-No-Kami: Lord of the moon
My pantheon includes a wide range of nature spirits that controls the flow of rivers, wind, trees, and mountain gods. It also includes the Ancestors.

Buddhist-Wicca 1

Our Path out lined
 The Lord and Lady is honored.
We hold the Buddhist concept of anatta and believe that our matter will live on through the species that consume us.
We accept the use of magick. 
We hold that, through the law of cause and effect, anything that we do will have consequences. 
We believe that Earth is a living being and deserves our respect. Just as we would not exploit a human being we should not exploit our Great Mother. 
We do not profess to hold the truth behind all things, this means we must not go out trying to convert others.
We must hold respect for other people's religions and cultures as long as they are not harming others.
We do not distinguish between ethnicity, sex, or sexual orientation. 
We are not a political path, though our views may be very left-wing, we as a religion do not mix religion and politics. The individual person may participate in political matters but Wicca is not to be mixed with politics.
We do not charge students for lessons on the matter of our path; we also do not endorse anyone to abuse the path in order to make money. 
Seek out wisdom in ancient texts, poems, and tomes. Seek it as well from the crashing of the waves, the whisper if the wind, and from the waving of the branches of a tree. 
Oh my friends remain flexible with your beliefs for no man has the monopoly on wisdom. 
Share my friends the dharma with anyone seeking this path. 
Mock not the rites and spells of others for who is to say yours is any better?
Ensure that your actions bare good fruit, for if your actions are negative you will face negative karma.
Remember that reverence to The Lord and Lady occurs inward and equally outward. Inward in your heart and outward by how you treat other people.

The Circle
First cleanse the area by sweeping away the dirt and sprinkling salt-water around. While you sprinkle salt-water visualize the negativity disappearing. You will need the following;

Air-East-Feather or incense 
Fire-South-red candle or stone.
Water-West-Bowl of water

Arrange in the north side of the circle the stone, the south the red candle, the west a bowl of water, the east the feather or incense. Around them should be a circle of salt or a yellow or white string that is 9 feet in diameter or something to mark the circle. In the center should be the altar, on the altar there should at least be the following: 
Goddess Symbol
God symbol
Bowl of water 
Bowl of salt 
Flowers and greens 
Altar candle 
Book of Shadows 
Ritual items 

You will also need either plenty of matches or a lighter set aside for ritual use. It is advised to use a charcoal block for loose incense and try to get good quality incense sticks and cones. I advise for you to learn how to make your own but that is not always possible. 
Walk to the North and point the athame at the stone and while visualizing the stone being filled with green energy say:
"Om prithividhatu Bhumideviya" 
Walk to the west and point the athame at the bowl of water, visualize it being filled with blue energy, while saying:
"Om Apsadhatu Taraya"
Walk to the south and point the athame at the candle and visualize it being filled with red energy and say: 
"Om Tejasdhatu Agnaya"
Walk to the east and point the athame while visualizing a white smoke appearing there and say:
"Om Vayudhatu Cittaamalaya"
Walk back to the center and set the athame down and ring the bell three times and then, while performing the sword maudra, visualize a clear energy filling the circle and say:
"Om Akashadhatu Avalokiteshwaraya"
Pick the athame up and set the boundary of the circle, after that perform the Kyo maudra, while visualizing your energy charge the circle say three times:
"On isha na ya in ta ra ya sowaka"
The circle is cast. You may now call The Lord and Lady. 

Releasing the circle.
Once the right is finished go to the North and say:
"Farewell oh spirit 
I thank you for attending this rite 
Marry we meet and marry we part." 
Repeat this or something similar for each watchtower. Then take the wand or athame and trace the circle edges visualizing the chi/energy returning to it. 
Thank The Lord and Lady for attending, remember to leave them an offering. 

  Cake and Wine 
Hold your hand over the cup and recite,

“From the Sun to the Vine
From the Vine to the Berry
From the Berry to the Wine
This brew is blessed in the scared names
Of our Lord and Lady.
So Mote it Be”

As you say this think about this and visualize the sun feeding the vine plant, which grows into a berry that turns into the drink. Then take your athame and dip it into the drink visualize the divine energy from the blade flow into the cup creating a white light and say,

“As the rod is to the God
As the Chalice(Cup) is to the Goddess.
And together they are one.”

As you take a drink visualize the divine spirit entering your body and pushing out all that is negative. Then say 
“May you/I never thirst.” 
You have taken the blessing. Hold your hands over the cake and recite,

“From the moon to the stalk,
From the stalk to the grain,

From the grain to the bread,
This bread is blessed in scared names,
Of our Lord and Lady.
So mote it be.”

Take a bite from the bread/cake, saying.
“May I never hunger”.
Raise your cups and say, 
“May we never thirst.” 
And drink it.  Then it’s finished and you can close the circle.

Consecration of Tools

Before these assembled spirits I bring (name type of tool) to be dedicated to the service of the Lady and Lord.

(Pass tool three times through smoke of the incense.)

By the power of air, be thou purified. Be thou dedicated to purity of thought and to harmlessness that all intentions for which thou art used may harm none and be for the good of all.

(Pass tool three times through or over the flame of the fire candle.)

By the power of fire, be thou purified. Be thou dedicated to purity of desire and to harmlessness that all goals which thou doest help achieve may harm none and be for the good of all.

(Take a few drops of water and sprinkle or dab on instrument.)

By the power of water, be thou purified. Be thou dedicated to purity of emotion and to harmlessness that all that thou shalt be used in a spirit of harmony, harming none and for the good of all.

(Touch instrument to the stone or salt in north quarter)

By the power of earth, be thou purified. Be thou dedicated to steadfastness and purity of purpose, that my will be achieved without wavering, with harm to none and for the good of all.

(If this is a chalice, present it first to the Lady, then to the Lord, if athame, reverse order. All other instruments use personal preference, but it is courtesy to present them to Her first.).    

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Messianic Paganism

Aeons, Ein Sof, and the divinity:

Pagan Esseneism holds that there are three manifestations of the Ein Sof which are YHWH, Shekinah, and Yeshua. These beings have an independent personality but one mind. The Ein Sof manifested further into Aeons.  
The Essenes hold that there are dark Aeons led by Belial and light Aeons led by Yeshua
Ein Sof is the force that binds all of life together 
YWHW is the god who created the universe by expanding it through his speech. He is also The Lord of the rain and mountains. His manifestations:
Yah: lord of the moon.
El: Father of the Aeons
Yeshua is The Lord of the sun, truth, law, and the harvest.
The Shekinah is the lady of the moon. She also has her own manifestations. 
Sophia: lady of wisdom 
Em Adamah: Mother Earth 
Asherah: the great mother of the Aeons 
Anat: lady of war

Images and idols:

The use of teraphim are not prohibited as we do not worship them. 
The use of Maẓẓebah instead of actual images are preferred as the divines have no true image. 

Feasts and Calendar :
The calendar used is the Solar calendar as found in Essene writings
The feast days are the feast days as found in the writings which includes:
 Tu Be Shevat: the new year of the trees 
Pesach: Lambing feast
 Chat Hamotzi
Yom habikkurim
Feast of Grapes
Feast of Olives
Yom Teru'ah
Yom Kippur
Chanukah: Feast of Yeshua as The Lord of the Sun
Chag Yeshua 
Lent: this is a 40 day fast 
The feasts of Noah on the new moons closest to the changing of the seasons.
New and Full Moon celebrations 

Shrines and alters:

Home shrines should have the following:
Teraphim that represents the divine or the ancestors 
Chalice or cup to hold water 
Bowl of salt 
Candle to represent the Shekinah 
 Maẓẓebah to represent YWHW 
Bowl to hold offerings 
Cyprus branches

Temple altars should be made of either Earth or unhewn stones 
State Shrines should be made in a cloth tent and divided into two sections. 
The outer section is where the public rituals are preformed ie. feast rituals, mass, and birthing rituals.
The inner section is where the teraphim are held in a cabinet in this section. Rites concerning the priesthood are held here.

The place of the Torah:

The Torah and the books of the Canon are seen as cultural history and mythology the following rules will be kept: 
The rules for Deacons 
 The rules concerning temple purity (will be extended for rites at the home shrine) 
The rules for ritual (it will be extended to encompass home rites) 


We distinguish between a Temple and home rituals. Temple rituals are rituals done before the Divine for nation and requires a trained priesthood. While home rituals are done before the divine for the family. This distinction is made through examples like Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. This does not interfere with the promise made to Levi by YHWH. Ritual formate can be found in 
Dionysius the Areopagite, Revelation, and Leviticus.


The rite of mass can not be preformed alone as it is an act of social and spiritual communion. There are only a few religions that commune can be taken with:
Mass must include the following:
The offering of frankincense 
Kashrut Wine
Matzah (handmade)
The people must first wash themselves and spend the day fasting.