Monday, September 30, 2013


My friends,
We must return to our roots, back to Marx, we must utilize our theories, not the theories shaped to Russia or China, but the theories of Marx and Engels applied to our conditions. Now am I saying to throw Lenin, Stalin, Che,Juche, and or even Trotsky out to the gutters as if they were trash? God forbid! These men are worthy of study, and if what they wrote is applicable use it, but don't force a tendency on a nation that it was not suppose to be applied to.  The modern USA  has new technologies that Marx has never dreamt of,and I am sure that in the revolutionary period they will utilize this technology, maybe even better versions of what we have. But what technology am speaking of? I am talking about the radio or the car?
   I am talking items like the 3d printer, the Internet, the T.V., the improvements in our assembly line, and the electronic voting booth. Each of these things made our lives easier and is benefiting us in our move into Communism. The 3D Printer will make paying for material items a sham, the Internet plays a double role, it allowed for pirating, an action that ignores the copyright laws and private property, and shows us how ridiculous that those laws are. It also breaks down boarders and throws a monkey wrench into nationalism and fascism. There are two large ways to reach information to the masses, the Internet and the T.V., but the T.V. is the most often used item in the household, it is often said that the average US American spends 34 hours watching their television. This trend most likely will not go down anytime soon, and will persist even after the revolution. We must then use it to educate the masses, 70% of US adults are not scientifically literate, if we were to change what is on the T.V. to things that could teach them the sciences, things that will stab superstition in the heart, we would have larger numbers of people who understands science, and won't be hostile to its progress, and it will step us closer to a world of reason.
  Now a lot of my hopes hangs in the advent of the 3D printer, why you may ask. Well properly used in the hands of the proletariat it would be like tying a noose around neck of the bourgeoisie, it will be a matter of time after this the Internet will have free templates that will end up killing big businesses and show us how weak they really are compared to what the proletariat can do with their technology.
    The electronic voting machine has made it possible for citizens to vote on every law that will effect their lives at a touch of a button, and tho possibility of hacking, with improvements in the technology, is low. The Internet has made it possible for every person to meet in one place and to talk out their problems and to rationally and critically discuss issues. An example of this accruing is Facebook, Twitter, and Tumbler. Bunches of people gather together onto these social networks and discuss common interests. I believe that being able to do this is an important step to a pure democracy and thus an important step to Communism. This is important because this proves that people of different ethic groups, be they black, white, or Asian, or people of different faiths have  the potential to look pass these differences and reach to logical conclusions to situations. Thus dissolving ethnic and religious differences between peoples.

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