Thursday, March 6, 2014

Buddhist-Wicca 1

Our Path out lined
 The Lord and Lady is honored.
We hold the Buddhist concept of anatta and believe that our matter will live on through the species that consume us.
We accept the use of magick. 
We hold that, through the law of cause and effect, anything that we do will have consequences. 
We believe that Earth is a living being and deserves our respect. Just as we would not exploit a human being we should not exploit our Great Mother. 
We do not profess to hold the truth behind all things, this means we must not go out trying to convert others.
We must hold respect for other people's religions and cultures as long as they are not harming others.
We do not distinguish between ethnicity, sex, or sexual orientation. 
We are not a political path, though our views may be very left-wing, we as a religion do not mix religion and politics. The individual person may participate in political matters but Wicca is not to be mixed with politics.
We do not charge students for lessons on the matter of our path; we also do not endorse anyone to abuse the path in order to make money. 
Seek out wisdom in ancient texts, poems, and tomes. Seek it as well from the crashing of the waves, the whisper if the wind, and from the waving of the branches of a tree. 
Oh my friends remain flexible with your beliefs for no man has the monopoly on wisdom. 
Share my friends the dharma with anyone seeking this path. 
Mock not the rites and spells of others for who is to say yours is any better?
Ensure that your actions bare good fruit, for if your actions are negative you will face negative karma.
Remember that reverence to The Lord and Lady occurs inward and equally outward. Inward in your heart and outward by how you treat other people.

The Circle
First cleanse the area by sweeping away the dirt and sprinkling salt-water around. While you sprinkle salt-water visualize the negativity disappearing. You will need the following;

Air-East-Feather or incense 
Fire-South-red candle or stone.
Water-West-Bowl of water

Arrange in the north side of the circle the stone, the south the red candle, the west a bowl of water, the east the feather or incense. Around them should be a circle of salt or a yellow or white string that is 9 feet in diameter or something to mark the circle. In the center should be the altar, on the altar there should at least be the following: 
Goddess Symbol
God symbol
Bowl of water 
Bowl of salt 
Flowers and greens 
Altar candle 
Book of Shadows 
Ritual items 

You will also need either plenty of matches or a lighter set aside for ritual use. It is advised to use a charcoal block for loose incense and try to get good quality incense sticks and cones. I advise for you to learn how to make your own but that is not always possible. 
Walk to the North and point the athame at the stone and while visualizing the stone being filled with green energy say:
"Om prithividhatu Bhumideviya" 
Walk to the west and point the athame at the bowl of water, visualize it being filled with blue energy, while saying:
"Om Apsadhatu Taraya"
Walk to the south and point the athame at the candle and visualize it being filled with red energy and say: 
"Om Tejasdhatu Agnaya"
Walk to the east and point the athame while visualizing a white smoke appearing there and say:
"Om Vayudhatu Cittaamalaya"
Walk back to the center and set the athame down and ring the bell three times and then, while performing the sword maudra, visualize a clear energy filling the circle and say:
"Om Akashadhatu Avalokiteshwaraya"
Pick the athame up and set the boundary of the circle, after that perform the Kyo maudra, while visualizing your energy charge the circle say three times:
"On isha na ya in ta ra ya sowaka"
The circle is cast. You may now call The Lord and Lady. 

Releasing the circle.
Once the right is finished go to the North and say:
"Farewell oh spirit 
I thank you for attending this rite 
Marry we meet and marry we part." 
Repeat this or something similar for each watchtower. Then take the wand or athame and trace the circle edges visualizing the chi/energy returning to it. 
Thank The Lord and Lady for attending, remember to leave them an offering. 

  Cake and Wine 
Hold your hand over the cup and recite,

“From the Sun to the Vine
From the Vine to the Berry
From the Berry to the Wine
This brew is blessed in the scared names
Of our Lord and Lady.
So Mote it Be”

As you say this think about this and visualize the sun feeding the vine plant, which grows into a berry that turns into the drink. Then take your athame and dip it into the drink visualize the divine energy from the blade flow into the cup creating a white light and say,

“As the rod is to the God
As the Chalice(Cup) is to the Goddess.
And together they are one.”

As you take a drink visualize the divine spirit entering your body and pushing out all that is negative. Then say 
“May you/I never thirst.” 
You have taken the blessing. Hold your hands over the cake and recite,

“From the moon to the stalk,
From the stalk to the grain,

From the grain to the bread,
This bread is blessed in scared names,
Of our Lord and Lady.
So mote it be.”

Take a bite from the bread/cake, saying.
“May I never hunger”.
Raise your cups and say, 
“May we never thirst.” 
And drink it.  Then it’s finished and you can close the circle.

Consecration of Tools

Before these assembled spirits I bring (name type of tool) to be dedicated to the service of the Lady and Lord.

(Pass tool three times through smoke of the incense.)

By the power of air, be thou purified. Be thou dedicated to purity of thought and to harmlessness that all intentions for which thou art used may harm none and be for the good of all.

(Pass tool three times through or over the flame of the fire candle.)

By the power of fire, be thou purified. Be thou dedicated to purity of desire and to harmlessness that all goals which thou doest help achieve may harm none and be for the good of all.

(Take a few drops of water and sprinkle or dab on instrument.)

By the power of water, be thou purified. Be thou dedicated to purity of emotion and to harmlessness that all that thou shalt be used in a spirit of harmony, harming none and for the good of all.

(Touch instrument to the stone or salt in north quarter)

By the power of earth, be thou purified. Be thou dedicated to steadfastness and purity of purpose, that my will be achieved without wavering, with harm to none and for the good of all.

(If this is a chalice, present it first to the Lady, then to the Lord, if athame, reverse order. All other instruments use personal preference, but it is courtesy to present them to Her first.).    

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