Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Messianic Paganism

Aeons, Ein Sof, and the divinity:

Pagan Esseneism holds that there are three manifestations of the Ein Sof which are YHWH, Shekinah, and Yeshua. These beings have an independent personality but one mind. The Ein Sof manifested further into Aeons.  
The Essenes hold that there are dark Aeons led by Belial and light Aeons led by Yeshua
Ein Sof is the force that binds all of life together 
YWHW is the god who created the universe by expanding it through his speech. He is also The Lord of the rain and mountains. His manifestations:
Yah: lord of the moon.
El: Father of the Aeons
Yeshua is The Lord of the sun, truth, law, and the harvest.
The Shekinah is the lady of the moon. She also has her own manifestations. 
Sophia: lady of wisdom 
Em Adamah: Mother Earth 
Asherah: the great mother of the Aeons 
Anat: lady of war

Images and idols:

The use of teraphim are not prohibited as we do not worship them. 
The use of Maẓẓebah instead of actual images are preferred as the divines have no true image. 

Feasts and Calendar :
The calendar used is the Solar calendar as found in Essene writings
The feast days are the feast days as found in the writings which includes:
 Tu Be Shevat: the new year of the trees 
Pesach: Lambing feast
 Chat Hamotzi
Yom habikkurim
Feast of Grapes
Feast of Olives
Yom Teru'ah
Yom Kippur
Chanukah: Feast of Yeshua as The Lord of the Sun
Chag Yeshua 
Lent: this is a 40 day fast 
The feasts of Noah on the new moons closest to the changing of the seasons.
New and Full Moon celebrations 

Shrines and alters:

Home shrines should have the following:
Teraphim that represents the divine or the ancestors 
Chalice or cup to hold water 
Bowl of salt 
Candle to represent the Shekinah 
 Maẓẓebah to represent YWHW 
Bowl to hold offerings 
Cyprus branches

Temple altars should be made of either Earth or unhewn stones 
State Shrines should be made in a cloth tent and divided into two sections. 
The outer section is where the public rituals are preformed ie. feast rituals, mass, and birthing rituals.
The inner section is where the teraphim are held in a cabinet in this section. Rites concerning the priesthood are held here.

The place of the Torah:

The Torah and the books of the Canon are seen as cultural history and mythology the following rules will be kept: 
The rules for Deacons 
 The rules concerning temple purity (will be extended for rites at the home shrine) 
The rules for ritual (it will be extended to encompass home rites) 


We distinguish between a Temple and home rituals. Temple rituals are rituals done before the Divine for nation and requires a trained priesthood. While home rituals are done before the divine for the family. This distinction is made through examples like Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. This does not interfere with the promise made to Levi by YHWH. Ritual formate can be found in 
Dionysius the Areopagite, Revelation, and Leviticus.


The rite of mass can not be preformed alone as it is an act of social and spiritual communion. There are only a few religions that commune can be taken with:
Mass must include the following:
The offering of frankincense 
Kashrut Wine
Matzah (handmade)
The people must first wash themselves and spend the day fasting. 

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