Thursday, March 6, 2014

My actual religion.


The gods can be divided into two categories: 
The heavenly gods are Sol and Luna, along with the planets.  The Earthly gods are nature spirits, Azrael and spirit guides. All gods came from the All Spirit. The All Spirit was born from the void and the combination of all of the spiritual elements. The All Spirit broke up his spirit into fragments and they formed the Great Gods. Each deity has a certain culture with different likes and functions within that culture. Sol the head god of the sun shares his function with Shemesh, Shapshu, Amateratsu and other sun gods, the same is with Luna she shares her role with other moon gods and goddesses. The storm is ruled over by Balu, but he shares this role with other gods from different cultures. 
Trees hold a spirit that can be evoked in worship and it can be honored in ritual. The same goes with rivers, oceans, and streams. The wind itself holds a spirit, everything around us is alive, they each hold a shard of the spirit of the All Spirit.The All Spirit is nature it self, he is a simple metaphor for the spirit that all things share. It is gender less and formless, the Taoists call it Tao the Hindus call it Brahman. I will simply call it the All. 
Each humans hold at least one type of spirit men holds a masculine spirit females feminine spirits. But some hold the form of a gender while have the opposite spirit, this results in homosexuals, cross dressers, and people associating with another gender. These people are holy and to be respected. In Native American traditions these people were seen as being able to channel multiple energies and able to communicate with male and female spirits from the other side. Though I believe in reincarnation I still see the "two-spirit people" as holy and to be treated with great respect. 
Each person has one or more patron deity, this god is someone he/she has a close connection with and who that is may change as the person's knowledge of the realms change. 

Eclectic Rules
When conducting rites with gods from multiple pantheons make sure their personalities don't clash
Don't offer any form food or any other item that may offend a god's culture. For an example Canaanite Illim does not like pork they see it as impure. The Aztec Teotl finds the offering of money offensive. 
Not all of the gods are the same they are autonomous beings that has developed their own likes and dislikes.
 Nine words the Eclectic Rede attest: Steal what works, fix what's broke, fake the rest.
Try to perform rites in nature when possible 
Meditate often
Respect every culture and their gods as long as they aren't harming anyone.
Respect nature. 
When obtaining an item from a tree or herb offer something of value. 

The concept of the soul I have adopted is similar to the concept found within the Gita. The soul is a spark of The All, or in Hindu Brahma. When we die the soul casts off our body like a cloak and reincarnates. We reincarnate in order to learn and to better the world around us. Our goal is to end the need to reincarnate and to leave a better future. 


Morality remains a relative concept. What is considered moral and correct now may be deemed immoral later in the future. The same is said with ideas and customs of the past. It was common for Aztecs and Mayans to perform human sacrifice to their gods but now to do so is deemed immoral. An Eclectic view of morality should be eclectic. Plato was a great philosopher, but he was Homophobic, I personally like Sidhartha's moral teachings. He pin point's the origins of human sufferings and gives a remedy for it. 


Sol: God of the Sun and disperser of ignorance.
Luna: Goddess of the moon and comforter. 
Ba‘lu Haddi:  the Thunderer, He ensures the life-giving rains, thus making the land fertile for agriculture. Ba‘lu Haddi lives atop his mountain, Tzapanu. His lightning is compared to cedars.
Azrael: God of death, he is pictured of having six wings and having eyes all over his body. His weapons are a sword,scythe, and a dagger. He also carries a vile to escort the souls to Summerland where the souls will review their previous life. If the soul was completely evil (For an example Hitler) he puts the soul through a realm of purifying fire before it reincarnates. 
Tara: Goddess of the Earth, Her form is green.
Pan: Horned god of the hunt and guardian of wildlife.
Tsuki-No-Kami: Lord of the moon
My pantheon includes a wide range of nature spirits that controls the flow of rivers, wind, trees, and mountain gods. It also includes the Ancestors.

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