Thursday, March 6, 2014

My Communist Bullets

What is Democratic-Communism
  Democratic-Communism, is a form of Communism that focuses on the creation of worker led Industrial Unions and Mass Strikes as a means of establishing worker control. We hold that a Socialist society must be led democratically by the workers themselves. We strive for the abolition of capitalism, wage labour, and the division of human beings into social classes, for the end of the dictatorship of the capitalist class, and to replace it with direct democracy.As well for a socialist-communist society, for the end of sexism and male domination, and finally against all forms of racism, nationalism and patriotism. We unlike Council-Communists don't encourage a passive approach, we recognize that in order for the revolution to occur we most educate, antagonize, and organize the proletariat against the capitalist class. We do incorporate some Anarchist principles as a means of creating the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. 

What is Communism?

Communism is a stateless, classless, and democratic society that we aspire to.  The means of production would be democratically owned and wealth will be distributed according to everyone's need by everyone's ability. 

What is Socialism?

It is the period that is between Capitalism and Communism. During this period the workers will form union councils and start making laws democratically. What will be laid down during this stage will prepare for the Communist stage. A Socialist society is marked by the democratic ownership of the means of production. Marx used the terms Socialism and Communism interchangeably. The two were not considered different stages till Lenin and only Leninists use them to refer to different stages. 

What is the dictatorship of the proletariat?

   The Dictatorship of the Proletariat is when the working class takes over the means of production and forms a federation of worker's councils or a worker's republic.  The Dictatorship of the Proletariat has been the subject of controversy because of Lenin's take on it was a Party Dictatorship over the Proletariat, this take was condemned by Rosa Luxemburg and Herman Gorter who advocated a worker's democracy. Democratic-Communists condemns the use of a vanguard party and the use of a state that forms Lenin's dictatorship over the workers. 

Who are the Proletariat?

The Proletariat are the oppressed workers of society. They are alienated by the wealthy class from the means of production. 

What is the Means of Production

The Means of Production are the instruments of labour such as the factory, machines, wood,  mines, etc. 

What is the role of the Party

The role of the party is made clear in the Communist Manifesto. It is to organize and antagonize the Proletariat to overthrow the existing order to bring about Communism. We reject the Party dictatorship of Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, or Mao and affirm the creation of Socialism through the working class themselves. 

How do we establish a socialist society?

We establish Socialism through a mass revolution of workers against the exploitive capitalist state and the capitalist class. 

What is our relation to other Communist movements.

We are a Libertarian-Marxist movement and we stand in opposition to the State-Capitalist tendencies of Leninism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, and Maoism and the Neo-Fascist Jucheism. We stand in solidarity with other Left-Communist movements and with Anarchy-Syndicalist and Anarchy-Communist movements. 

How do we learn more about Democratic-Communism?

We suggest reading the writings of the following you will come across contradictions between the writers but it is a great way of developing your theory. 

Rosa Luxembourg
Herman Gorter 
Georg Lukacs
CLR James 
Raya Dunayevskaya
Karl Korsch

Doesn't the Collapse of the USSR mean that Communism is a failure?

The USSR was a State-Capitalist economy it was not Socialist in anyway. A Socialist economy is marked by the workers owning the means of production. In the USSR the means of production was owned not by the workers but by the state which was ran by the party not the workers. We must also point out that the fall of the USSR was do to the global economic stagnation that all of the world capitalist economies were facing at that time. It must also be said that most Russians want a return to something similar to the USSR and sees Stalin as a hero. The life expectancy rose in the USSR and there was no jobless, hungry, or homeless in the USSR.  As well as the USSR achieved technological and economical advancements in its 70 years that took other nations 100 years. 

  Doesn't Communism go against human nature.

No. For most of human history we held property in common and lived in a classless and stateless federation of tribes/communes. There was no rich and there was no poor. This changed when the human race evolved into an industrial society which caused new divisions of labor and thus society. This caused a class division in society beginning with the feudal class society and then the capitalist class society.  

Is there any working model of a Communist society?

There are some national models currently in effect yes. The only models I know of are the  Zappatesta and Marinaleda villages. These though are not Marxist but are Anarchist, but they are liberating non the less.

What is the red flag?

The red flag is flown on remembrance of the workers and all of the worker revolutions. It was first flown in 1834 during the French Revolution by the Socialists. It was flown by the Paris Commune and has been flown as a sign of Socialism, Communism, and Anarchist-Communists.   It in short is the only flag that ties all workers under one banner. It was said by Blanqui, " It is said it is a flag of blood. It is only red with the blood of the martyrs who made it the standard of the republic.Its fall is an insult to the people, a profanation of the dead."

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