Thursday, March 6, 2014

Socialist Bullets

Humans are social beings;they depend on the their social surroundings to determine what is moral or immoral. 
A socialist nation must aid a popular socialist uprising, as communism can not be achieved if a majority capitalist threat is on the borders. 
Economic stability must be achieved in order to provide health care, housing, jobs, clothing, and food to the proletariat. 
The proletariat must have increasing control of the means of production; by the time capitalism completely falls the proletariat must be masters of the means of production. 
Education is a basic need for the working class and must be freely provided.
Newspapers, blogs, and news channels (TV and Internet) are expressions of basic information sources and there should two forms; one that gives just the information, and several that gives it from different party views (ie. one that is Marxist, one that is Capitalist, etc.). 
The role of the vanguard is to rally the masses, and then to protect the revolution from counter revolutionaries. After the revolution the vanguard is to gradually dissolve over time and to reassure that the masses can govern themselves. This means they must be well educated and the capitalist culture has been dissolved. 
All work places must be under the control of the workers. This means the following;
Comrade Court to take care of work place problems.
Complete Union control with little state interference.
 The work places must have in house medical care incase of major accidents. 
All extra work must be voluntary and any harder extra work must be met with extra leave time to rest. The leave time must be paid and be of higher wage than if it was from normal work. 
Our economy is not money based, but till something replaces the market system of distribution of goods the use of markets is necessary. This place an obligation on scientists to work to improve technology like 3D printers. 3D printers allow for a new way to distribute goods and allows the consumer to participate in the making of said goods.  
 Temporary state seizer of all private property not including the means of production. This is necessary for the purpose of distribution on the market place over time the state must give the private property to the masses who will democratically distribute it. 
Socialist Libraries should be opened. These will have the works of Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Engels, Moses Hess, and other Socialist writers. This is to encourage research into different approaches to socialism. This library should also include historical sources of different socialist nations and our nation. It must include the failures in order for our next generation to learn and grow. Historic nations include the CCCP, China, DPRK, Zapatista, etc. 
I am dividing capitalism into three oppressed groups; the proletariat, the peasantry, and the intelligentsia. But only the proletariat is revolutionary as they are the vast majority and directly under the bourgeoisie. 
Man is interconnected with nature; he not above it in anyway and in all reality must coexist with it. If we can not learn to coexist with nature it will lead to our collective death. 
A goal of the vanguard is to turn our disunity into unity. Our individualist attitudes into collectivist. What I mean is that the vanguard must teach us that our actions effect everyone not just you. In essence it is to create workers solidarity. 
We must be a true collective, instead of working just for individual interests we must work for the interest of the entire collective. We must not do this though by limiting individual autonomy, but by creating social standards that encourages this
Study of economic theory, study of Marxist and other socialist works, fluent in Communist, Socialist, and Anarchist  theories, fluent in vanguardist theories, and is widely liked by the masses. The previous list should be what is required to be a socialist leader. This list is to prevent revisionism and reactionary counter-revolution. As well to be added to the list, must be a member of the working class.
Leader worship is counter revolutionary. Leader-worship is a practice that originated in ancient cultures and is an important part of Fascist and Nationalistic ideologies; thus it has no place in an internationalist ideology such as Communism or Socialism. 
We must be a double edged sword that cuts the head off of the four headed monster of Capitalism, Fascism, Imperialism, and Nationalism. We take a blow at them with Socialism and we take the decapitating blow with Communism. Out of the body we build a better society, we replace Capitalistic antagonism with solidarity, we replace the Fascist perpetual war with peace, we replace Imperialism with free trade, and finally we replace Nationalism with Internationalism. 
It is important to preserve democratic processes that we dismantle the Electoral Collage. The very existence of the Collage makes a farce out of democracy. 
It is important to make an Union Council with representatives from each labor union, the union council appoints the vanguard leader. I suggest this as a means of allowing a worker's  republic, the council members are elected first at the local and  then at the national. 
The Vanguard is multi-tendacy and must include:
Autonomist Marxists
      In order to establish Socialism it is necessary to establish an international Socialist current.
Humans have needs that surpass their material needs this being their social needs. Their social needs are four-fold religious, familial, peer, and education. The Socialist society must not touch the churches, must provide free education, and work to cut work hours only to socially necessary hours while maintaining an economic stable environment. 
 A  Socialist Democratic-Republic must be set up. Meaning that all power will be in the hands of the people. Laws, political matters, war, and treaties must be voted on by the people. But representatives must be elected for international matters. These representatives are given temporary power by the people and can be with drawn by the people.   

(Note: I don't hold to all of these views anymore)

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